Wall mounted integrated Evac System – 1000 W, 6 zones (A/B)       

SKU: PAW51K6-V Category: Tags: ,


The new PAW51K-VES range incudes two integrated voice evacuaƟon systems for emergency faciliƟes, designed specifically for wall-mounƟng and equipped with control units, cerƟfied in compliance with EN 54-16:2008 /
EN 54-4 standards. Depending on the model, these systems are capable of managing from 4 to 6 alarm zones, each driven by a single amplifier, as well as remote microphone staƟons and controlled inputs to be connected
to a central fire-fighƟng system. It is possible to connect up to a maximum of 6 of these systems to one other (for managing an overall maximum of 36 zones).

Functional Features

  • Rated audio output: 1000 W overall, distributable freely among the zones with a maximum limit of 250 W per single zone.
  • Backlit 4.3″ display with touch screen for selecƟng the alert and evacuaƟon zones and enabling navigaƟon for adjusting volume levels, configuring the equipment and viewing failures.
  • Handheld fireman’s paging microphone.
  • Sending out of pre-recorded EVACUATION and ALERT messages.
  • Sending out of pre-recorded BROADCAST messages (i.e. spots, announcements, sound bells).
  • Playing back of pre-recorded messages via monitor loudspeaker.
  • 7 off controlled input contacts, configurable for playing the evacuaton and/or alert messages to the programmed zones or for resetting the messages.
  • 1 off music input for sound sources.
  • 1 off auxiliary input configurable as a music source, a call with precedence activation or a call with automatic activation (VOX).
  • 3 off configurable relay outputs.
  • Double A+B output for each zone.
  • Event log (list of failures and/or alarms that have occured in the system).
  • Double LINK line for connecƟng other PAW51K-VES and/or PAW5500-VES (up to a total of 6 units).
  • Multilanguages management.
  • Protected local button for placing the system in an emergency state, equipped with its own LED.
  • Local reset button.
  • 3-band equalisation for each zone output.
  • 3-band equalisation for each music input.
  • Optional internal expansion card ACPAW-2IN for two additional music inputs (EXT 1 and EXT 2).
  • Optional internal expansion card ACPAW-6IN with DSP for six additional music inputs.
  • Built-in SD/USB input for background music MP3 player.
  • Independent selection on each zone of the various audio sources (MUSIC IN, AUX IN, MP3 player and EXT).
  • Up to 8 pre-recorded messages can be retrieved from outside through input contacts (of which 2 fixed emergency messages – plus 6 that can be classed as emergency / evacuation / broadcast messages).
  • Possibility of setting up to 16 timers for the programmed playing out of the broadcast messages with the possible activation of signalling relays.
  • Up to 16 PMB106-G and/or PMB112-G broadcasting microphone stations can be connected.
  • Up to 4 of the above mentioned stations can be set for local calls only (zones of the card-cage to which they are connected).
  • Up to 4 PMB132-V and PMB132/12-V remote emergency units can be connected (or, as an alternative, up to 2 touch screen units TSB8500-V).
  • EN54-4 certified battery charge unit for 24VDC secondary power supply (batteries not included).
  • Mounting on 19” rack (optional, with ACPAW-RCK accessory kit).